Owner’s Agreement for Services

This agreement must be digitally signed by each client prior to their pet’s first visit.
It will be signed while making your account online, and can later be found in your Account > Waivers & Agreements section.

  1. I understand that Dee-O-Gee Care has relied upon my representation that my pet is in good health and has not injured or shown aggressive or threatening behavior to any person or animal in admitting my pet for services at their facility.

  2. I further understand that Dee-O-Gee Care will not be liable, financially or otherwise, for injuries to my pet, myself, or any property of mine while my pet is participating in services provided by Dee-O-Gee Care. I hereby release Dee-O-Gee Care of any liability of any kind arising from my pet’s participation in any and all services provided by Dee-O-Gee Care.

  3. I further understand and agree that any problems with my pet, behavioral, medical, or otherwise, will be treated as deemed best by staff of Dee-O-Gee Care at their discretion, and in what they view as the best interest of my pet.

  4. I further understand that there are risks and benefits associated with group socialization of pets. I agree that the benefits outweigh the risks and that I accept the risks. I desire a socialized environment for my pet provided by Dee-O-Gee Care. I understand that while the socialization and play is monitored by Dee-O-Gee Care staff to prevent injury, it is still possible that my pet may receive an injury in a group play environment.

  5. I further understand that I assume full financial responsibility and all liability for any and all expenses in regards to my pet, including but not limited to veterinarian bills if required.

  6. I further understand that if the staff of Dee-O-Gee Care determines the length of my pet’s nails are unsafe for pack-based play, I understand the staff will use their discretion to have my pet’s nails trimmed at Reba’s Personal Touch Pet Salon. I further understand I will be held responsible for all fees necessary for this service including a grooming convenience fee and any cost associated with Reba’s Personal Touch Pet Salon’s services.

  7. I further understand that by allowing my pet to participate in services offered by Dee-O-Gee Care, I hereby agree to allow Dee-O-Gee Care to take photographs or videos of my pet for future use in print or digital form for publication and/or marketing/promotion.

  8. I further understand that I am solely responsible, financially or otherwise, for any damage caused to the Dee-O-Gee Care facility or property by my pet while my pet is attending any services provided by Dee-O-Gee Care.

  9. I further understand that I am making a scheduled appointment time to drop off and pick up my pet. If I arrive more than 30 minutes before or after the appointment time without prior communication and approval, I will be charged a $25.00 fee.

  10. I further understand that Dee-O-Gee Care’s hours of operation are publicly posted on their website, www.deeogeecare.com. Any drop off or pick up that occurs outside of the posted hours, even with prior approval, will be charged a $100.00 fee.

  11. I further understand that I will be responsible for 50% of the reservation total cost if I choose to cancel within 48 hours of the reservation start date (note this is the start date and not the start time). I also understand that it is my responsibility to text Dee-O-Gee Care’s business line at 715-575-1005 or send a message through the Dee-O-Gee Care Facebook page if I wish to cancel within 48 hours of my reservation start date.

  12. I further understand that I will be responsible for 100% of the reservation total cost for an in-progress reservation that is shortened. If I choose to pick up my pet earlier than the previously reserved end date, I understand that I will be responsible for the entire reserved stay.

  13. I further understand that if I am a no-show for my daycare or boarding reservation, I will be charged the total cost of the reservation. If I fail to communicate my desire to cancel a reservation and Dee-O-Gee Care contacts me after I have missed my scheduled drop off time, I understand that I am responsible for the total cost of the reservation.

  14. I further understand that I am responsible for providing food for my pet during any boarding reservation. If I do not provide food for my pet, I will be charged a fee of $2.50 per meal given (Dee-O-Gee Care’s standard practice is two meals per day).

  15. I further understand that I am responsible for providing aforementioned food in a dog-proof container—something with hard sides and a tight-fitting lid (no plastic bags, no paper bags, no garbage bags, etc.). If I am unable to provide a proper container, I will be charged a $15.00 fee and an approved container will be provided by Dee-O-Gee Care.

  16. I further understand that if my pet is not picked up on the date specified in my approved reservation and I fail to respond to communication attempts by Dee-O-Gee Care, I hereby authorize Dee-O-Gee Care to take whatever action is deemed necessary for the continuing care of my pet. I will pay Dee-O-Gee Care the cost of any such continued care, including but not limited to food provided, upon demand by Dee-O-Gee Care. I understand that if I do not pick up my pet and Dee-O-Gee Care is unable to reach me or my emergency contact, Dee-O-Gee Care will proceed according to the guidelines provided by Wisconsin Statute 951.15 Abandoning of Animals. I also acknowledge that I will be fully responsible for all attorney’s fees and associated costs if I abandon my pet.

Early Drop Offs and Late Pick Ups

We allow our customers to make appointments for drop offs and pick ups anytime between 7am and 7pm, 7 days a week. For us to do so requires our clients to adhere to their pre-scheduled, approved times.

A $25.00 fee will be applied to the reservation total if you arrive more than 30 minutes before or after your scheduled drop off or pick up appointment time, during our normal business hours (without prior communication and approval).

A $100.00 fee will be applied to the reservation total if you arrive outside of our standard posted business hours, even with prior communication and approval.

Dog-Proof Food Container

Please provide your pet’s food for boarding in a hard-sided container with a tight-fitting lid. If you bring your pet’s food in a plastic bag, paper bag, garbage bag, etc., you will be charged a $15.00 container fee and an approved container will be provided to you.

Cancellation Policy

If you cancel a reservation within 48 hours of the start date of the reservation, you will be charged 50% of the reservation total using the credit card on file. (Please note the reservation must be canceled based on the reservation start date, not the reservation start time.)

If you pick up an in-progress boarding reservation earlier than your reserved final day, you will be responsible for 100% of the reserved stay. Once your pet has arrived at Dee-O-Gee Care, you are responsible for the entire reservation cost.

Any no-show reservation will be charged 100% of the total reservation cost. If you fail to communicate your desire to cancel and we contact you after you’ve missed your scheduled drop off time, this will be considered a no-show.

Grooming Convenience Fee

We charge a $5.00 convenience fee for each dog that will be utilizing Reba’s Personal Touch Pet Salon services while at Dee-O-Gee Care for daycare or boarding. This fee is for transport to and from the grooming salon. This fee will be charged even if we transport your pet to the salon and you pick them up from there.

Food and Medications

If you forget to provide food for your pet, a fee of $2.50 per meal will be added to the reservation total. Our standard practice is to feed two meals per day.

We administer medications at no cost. Please bring what you use to administer the medications at home (pill pockets, peanut butter, cheese, etc.).

Critter Cab Fees

We charge $7.50 each way (or $15.00 round trip) to pick up and deliver your dog to your doorstep. Approval by Dee-O-Gee Care staff is required before a critter cab reservation can be made.

If we arrive to pick up your pet as reserved and are unable to do so because nobody is home and/or doors are locked, you will be charged the critter cab fee plus your reservation will be deemed a “no-show” and you will be charged 100% of the total cost.

If we arrive to drop off your pet as reserved and are unable to do so because nobody is home and/or doors are locked, we will attempt to contact you and will wait a reasonable amount of time. If we are unable to reach you, your pet will return to Dee-O-Gee Care to stay overnight and you will be charged for a boarding reservation.